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1969 Restaurant Review SAM'S GRILL Imperial Palace JONESY'S San Francisco Napa

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Estate sale find! Old restaurant review! Jack Shelton's Private Guide To Restaurants! Jack Juhasz & Jack Shelton. By mail order subscription only! 8 pages!

SAM'S GRILL - San Francisco


JONESY'S (Napa County Airport) - Napa

Jack Shelton... He started the first restaurant newsletter in San Francisco and wrote about food for the Pacific Sun and Focus. He gave restaurant criticism a good name when many critics were still eating on the cuff.

Proud of writing unvarnished reviews, Shelton valued his anonymity as a reviewer. Indeed, he wore a mask at one public forum: a 1974 Board of Supervisors hearing where he testified in favor of a measure that would have required restaurants to label frozen entrees on their menus. Jack Shelton passed away in 1984.

inventory# sh12-a.