Jack Shelton's Private Guide To Restaurants by Robert Finigan, Jack Juhasz and Jack Shelton. August 1973. 8 pages. Used condition.
FAR EAST CAFE San Francisco
LA BERGERIE San Francisco
BOREL'S San Mateo
Jack Shelton... He started the first restaurant newsletter in San
Francisco and wrote about food for the Pacific Sun and Focus. He gave
restaurant criticism a good name when many critics were still eating on
the cuff.
"Jack Shelton's Private Guide to Restaurants," had 13,000 paid subscribers when he sold it in the 1970s.
of writing unvarnished reviews, Shelton valued his anonymity as a
reviewer. Indeed, he wore a mask at one public forum: a 1974 Board of
Supervisors hearing where he testified in favor of a measure that would
have required restaurants to label frozen entrees on their menus.
Jack Shelton passed away in 1984.
Inventory #D13-1.