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1987 ORIGINAL ABSTRACT Deep Drilling Crystalline Bedrock SYMPOSIUM Siljan Impact

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  Rare & hard to find original symposium abstract book! This was received at the "Third International Symposium On Observation Of The Continental Crust Through Drilling" held in Mora & Orsa Sweden, September 7-10 1987! You get the 8.3 x 11.7 in. abstract book of 82 pages, and the smaller Final Program booklet of 15 pages. Don't be confused, this is "not" part of the two volume book set that came out after the symposium, this is the actual book handed out at the symposium to James L. Ruhle, Geologist for Standard Oil Company Of California (not written anywhere, info is from the family)!

Very good. A small amount of handwritten notes in blank areas. A few folded corners.
