•Title: Vautrin in Two of his Disguises. "The Terrible' was no longer terrible under such an exterior."
•Year: 1893
•Print size (inches): 6.7 x 10
•Image size (inches): 5 x 6.6
•Print size (cm): 17 x 25.3
•Image size (cm): 12.4 x 17
•Provenance: The Human Comedy
•Verso: No printing
•Publisher: Peter Penelon Collier, New York, 1893
This very hard to find 122 year old wood-cut engraving shows Vautrin in two of his disguises!
Vautrin is a character from the novels of French writer Honoré de Balzac in the La Comédie humaine series. His real name is Jacques Collin. He appears in the novels Le Père Goriot (Father Goriot, 1834/35) under the name Vautrin, and in Illusions perdues (Lost illusions, 1837–43) and Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, 1838–44), the sequel of Illusions perdues, under the name of Abbé Carlos Herrera. In prison, he got the nickname Trompe-la-Mort (Dodgedeath), because he manages to avoid the death sentence repeatedly.
•Title: Vautrin in Two of his Disguises. "The Terrible' was no longer terrible under such an exterior."
•Year: 1893
•Print size (inches): 6.7 x 10
•Image size (inches): 5 x 6.6
•Print size (cm): 17 x 25.3
•Image size (cm): 12.4 x 17
•Provenance: The Human Comedy
•Verso: No printing
•Publisher: Peter Penelon Collier, New York, 1893
This very hard to find 122 year old wood-cut engraving shows Vautrin in two of his disguises!
Vautrin is a character from the novels of French writer Honoré de Balzac in the La Comédie humaine series. His real name is Jacques Collin. He appears in the novels Le Père Goriot (Father Goriot, 1834/35) under the name Vautrin, and in Illusions perdues (Lost illusions, 1837–43) and Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, 1838–44), the sequel of Illusions perdues, under the name of Abbé Carlos Herrera. In prison, he got the nickname Trompe-la-Mort (Dodgedeath), because he manages to avoid the death sentence repeatedly.