Old Morosco theater Matinee program for August 21, 1921. Oliver Morosco presents "A Tailor-made Man", a comedy in four acts by Harry James Smith produced under the stage direction of Augustin J. Glassmire. Also has an ad for "Seymour's" for some autumn gowns and dresses on South Broadway, and for "Beatrice de Troost" soprano vocal instruction in English French Italian and Russian. Also an ad for the "Pig n Whistle" restaurant after the show just a few doors from here this side Broadway near Seventh. Also an ad for the "Reiss System of Health Culture" which was on the eighth floor of the Title Guaranty Building advertising if you were overweight or underweight that we will make you normal, no violent exercise and without starvation. No drugs. There's also a fire notice stating... Immediately upon being shown to your seat, locate the nearest exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk (do not run) to that exit. Keep cool, and try to help your neighbor. Condition is used with creases, marks, wear & tear, etc.
inventory# D3